A Quick Synopsis and Plan

We met. We talked. We decided. Let’s do.

The Board met on Tuesday (November 20). Other then tachlis (nuts-and-bolts) stuff and paying attention to each other as people, we had one topic for discussion: what now. Marian is hard at work to get the minutes written up, and we expect to have those published during the week of Nov. 26. In the meantime, let me pass along some of the notes I took during a portion of our discussion focused on defining our niche.

  • Be a small Reconstructionist congregation.
  • Support our members (e.g. provide means for observing life cycle events, provide bereavement support and shiva minyanim, support members in need).
  • Support our community (e.g., through our strong adult ed programming like BLL, participating in and co-sponsoring community-wide events).
  • Provide High Holy Days study, observance, and participation opportunities for ourselves and the broader community.
  • Provide opportunities for religious services (e.g., Shabbat, Festivals, and holidays). Note that this is opportunities for, and not an obligation to hold these services.

In support of transitioning to this niche, and as I complete my term as interim president, my priorities—in order—are:

  1. Finish the work on our governance, including identifying a president to succeed me.
  2. Focus everything we do and all our decisions on the priorities of the Keddem community as they exist today, knowing we cannot
    1. Be all things to all people.
    2. Necessarily do everything we might want.
    3. Continue to do things as we have in the past.
  3. Change our budgeting priorities to we put money into operational and logistical needs, so our volunteers can focus on what’s important and fulfilling.
  4. Decrease our facilities costs (my goal: 20-30%).

Our meeting on Sunday and the decisions we made there mark a change in direction. Operational, tactical, and strategic changes will result, changes that will affect Keddem’s finances, staff, facilities, and programming. We don’t have all the answers yet. I certainly solicit your ideas and your thoughts (though please recognize with me that I cannot implement all the good ideas you might have, but I do commit to listening and paying attention to them!).

2 comments to A Quick Synopsis and Plan

  • emoise

    Thanks, Alan, for this concise summary.

    I think item #2 on your list, all points, is the most important thing about our “new direction.” Business as usual won’t work — we really have to be prepared to change in a really significant way. We need to stop trying to be what we are not, and do the work needed to be the best Keddem possible.

  • Kate Lorig

    I agree and really want us to find out exactly what the members want us to continue doing and what we can put aside. Maybe not forever but at least until we catch our breath.

    Here is a start on my wish list–maybe 4 Fri. evening and 4 Sat. morning services a year (more or less one a month) with thought and excitement in each one.

    BLL maybe six times a year

    HH services but maybe done a bit differently–I am not sure what this means but since everything is up for grabs, this should be too.

    A newsletter

    What I think we need is some new activities that allow us to capitalize on what we all want–community. Not sure again what this means but lets throw it into the mix.

    I kinda liked the seasonal governance–maybe we could reconstruct this to to have committees responsible for a few months at a time with some set responsibilities (ie two services and 1Bll and one more thing that they want to do.

    Enough Happy Thanksgiving