Though my time as president is over, there’s still lots of work left.
- Hire an operations manager, to lighten the burden on our over-taxed volunteers.
- Find people for the Spring Team and the HHD Team.
- Finish defining what we’ll do and what we’ll stop doing.
- Starting to change the expectations around dues and volunteering.
- Resolving the facilities situation.
I’m still involved in this, though not nearly as intensely.
What’s not included in what we were working on when Belinda took office? Bob Zimmerman made a comment to a blog posting:
How will these changes make Keddem warmer, more welcoming and engaging, stimulating and rewarding, a place people will eagerly put their precious limited time, energy and money into?
Regardless of Keddem’s need to improve in these areas, these areas have not been a specific focus of the work the Task Force, the Board, and I have been doing to this point.